Online Focus Groups?
Conducting focus groups online is a relatively new research tool. Before online focus groups, cases whose value did not warrant a live focus group did not have access to inexpensive juror feedback. However, in the late 1990s, online focus group companies began to emerge. In its infancy, conducting focus groups online was not recommended because of its lack of participant diversity. Ten to twenty years ago, cases could not get an accurate demographic juror representation from the case venue because the average person did not have access to the Internet. Today, a typical juror has access to the Internet, making online focus groups a more viable tool.
Short summary of both sides of case
Participants are from case venue; match demographics
Answer verdict questions/specific questions
Instant generated report
Generally, attorneys post summaries of their case to an online focus group company’s site. Jurors are recruited to review the case via the Internet and answer questions regarding what they read or use chat rooms moderated by a facilitator and to provide feedback to the attorneys on how they can improve their case. Online focus groups costs anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 for up to 50 participants’ feedback.